Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Penggunaan Dan Pola Kalimat Was Were

Penggunaan dan referensi kalimat was were ialah bahan kita hari ini. Mungkin pembaca bahasa Inggris online sudah pada tau bahwa was dan were ialah bentuk ke dua dari verb be. Kita memakai was were dalam aneka macam macam bentuk kalimat dan yang paling banyak diketahui oleh banyak orang ialah was were digunakan dalam tenses simple past tense. Di bawah ini ialah beberapa klarifikasi penggunaan was were dan referensi kalimatnya.

Penggunaan Was Were
Contoh Kalimat Was were
Penggunaan was were dalam simple past tense.
I was sick yesterday. Saya sakit kemarin.

They were at home last night. Mereka di rumah malam lalu.

We were late last Monday. Kami terlambat hari senin lalu.

Pada referensi di atas, sick dan late bukanlah kata kerja melainkan kata sifat atau adjective. At home juga bukanlah kata kerja melainkan adverb. Maka dari itu, kita harus menambahkan was atau were pada kalimat tersebut. Jika tidak memasukkan was were maka kalimat itu salah.

Penggunaan was were dalam past continuous tense
I was sleeping when Joe called me. Aku sedan tidur saat Joe menelponku.

They were playing cards when I came last night. Mereka sedang bermain kartu saat saya tiba malam lalu.

Dalam past continuous, kita memasukkan was atau were sebelum verb ing. Fungsi was were dalam kalimat ini ialah sebagai kata kerja bantu.
Penggunaan was were dalam passive voice atau kalimat pasif simple past tense.
The car was washed yesterday. Mobil itu dicuci kemarin.

My  house is swept by Joe last night. Rumahku disapu oleh Joe malam lalu.

Jika subject I/ she/ he/ it/ Riko/ Rina/ The boy/ The girl maka kita memakai was. Jika you/they/we/ Riko and Joe/The boys/the girls maka kita memakai were.  Di bawah ini ada beberapa referensi lainnya untuk pembaca blog Bahasa Inggris Online :

I was sick yesterday.
I was not sick yesterday.
Were you sick yesterday? Yes, I was/No, I was not

They were cooking when we watched TV.
They were not cooking when we watched TV.
Were they cooking when we watched TV?

The cars were washed by my mother yesterday.
The cars were not washed by my mother yesterday.
Were the cars were washed by mother yesterday?

Where were you last night? I was at home.
What were you doing when I called you? I was sleeping.
What time was the car washed yesterday? The car was washed at 10 yesterday.


1. was were
https://brians.wsu.edu/2016/05/19/was-were/  Accessed on January 15, 2018
2. Passive and active voice
3. Past Tense
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Past_tense  Accessed on January 15, 2018

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